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III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects

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III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects Empty III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects

Post by Game Master Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:50 pm

• Non-PvP combat such as those where your character's fighting a dungeon or field monster are all considered Free-Form combat. You have 100% control of the fight, how your character deals damage, and how they take it. You have no restrictions on any possibilities. While performing tasks with others, this freedom is slightly limited as some actions may be damaging to the relationship between yourself and your partner(s). An example would be having a low-level spell obliterate a large building, so please use a bit of moderation.
• PvP combat is considerably different from free-form. While in PvP combat, you're expected to use a sense of fairness and realism with fighting. While your stats do play a role in combat, it's preferable that you (and your opponents) RP the fight as though you two were actually going head-to-head. If you and/or your opponents are having a debate about the outcome of a posting cycle, feel free to contact a member of staff. If this is done, that member of staff's verdict is final and you cannot ask for a different staff member to judge the outcome simply because you're not happy with what the last one said.
• In PvP each combatant has 3 actions per post.

PvP Distance
For those who don't feel like RP'ing a fight 100%, and prefer to use guidelines, this section will be for you. For those who prefer to RP PvP without being bogged down by rules, you can disregard this.

• Spells, Ranged Attacks, and Melee Attacks all have a speed that they come at. Spells and Ranged attacks are normally more affected by speed than melee due to the distance at which they're used at.
• Melee Attacks are normally best at close range since the distance between combatants is too small to dodge. Those with high a high Reaction Time and Speed stat could easily jump backwards to avoid attacks, but this detracts from the amount of actions per post they can use.
• Ranged attacks are non-magical attacks made with weapons. The greater the distance between you and your target, the longer it takes for the projectile to hit its' intended target. Having weapons that fire projectiles faster helps mitigate range, but it can never fully eliminate it.
• Magic attacks are as they sound, attacks comprised of, or reinforced with magic. An ice arrow, flaming punch, or full-on blast of magic are all examples of magic attacks. Just like Ranged attacks, magic cast at range takes longer to hit targets that are far away. Having fast spells helps make this matter less, but still matters.

• Dodging attacks is possible if your Reaction Time, Speed, and Agility is greater than that attacks' Speed. Reaction Time so you have the ability to react before it hits you, Agility so you can turn quickly, and Speed so you can take off and be out of the way quickly.

Combat Triangle
Something to keep in mind is the way some things interact with others. This is known as the combat triangle...

• Melee is excellent at dealing with ranged opponents since those in metal armour can rush up to rangers if they're skilled enough, and deliver a powerful attack. Rangers normally (but not always) wear armour that contains almost no metal, and just can be torn apart by swords and other bladed weapons, or are simply horrible at taking blunt attacks. Melee Vs. Melee is pretty much a stalemate, and Melee Vs. Magic is generally a bad idea.
• Ranged is a good medium, but is best used against Magic opponents. Mages rarely wear heavy armour, mostly arcane robes or leather if they're paranoid about their party's' inability to defend them. Because of that, an Archers' long range and quiver of stabby-pointy projectiles is a mages' worst nightmare. Ranged Vs. Ranged is normally a matter of who shoots who where, and first. Ranged Vs. Melee is generally a bad idea, but if the ranger can do their job right the warrior won't even hear their death coming.
• Magic is a very good counter to Warriors on the battlefield. Spells reverberate inside the armour of melee combatants, making them hit the target more than once in a single cast. Their medium range compared to Rangers makes fighting rangers a not-so-good idea, especially with the difference in armour. A fight between mages normally boils down to skill, and magical power. If those two are equal, then it's a battle of attrition.

Spawning Enemies
• Missions will specify whether you can automatically spawn enemies or not. Most of them allow you to make them pop up whenever, but some will have them show up at specific times.
• Missions will specify whether you can make up your own enemies or not. Those that have enemies already listed will normally allow you to make your own, but sometimes (for quest plot) won't.
• While in the Enchanted Forest, and only then, can you roll a Fairy Dice. This has an 4% chance of spawning a fairy, and a 96% chance of spawning something else entirely. You may roll the Fairy Dice 1 time per 4 posting cycles. Fairies from this dice are extremely powerful, and always 5 levels above you. Please refer to the Enchanted Forest Fae thread for more information on them. Please remember, staff has the ability to deny your Fae kill if the battle seemed like it was unrealistic. If you feel the judgement was unfair or inaccurate, you may send a PM to my (Game Master) inbox on-site to dispute it. Please allow a day or two for a final verdict since I'll be going over all information provided as well as getting the staff member's side of things.
Game Master
Game Master

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Chosen God:: The Unknown God
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III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects Empty Re: III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects

Post by Game Master Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:08 pm

Magic is made when an individual uses the Mana within them to control the Etherium around them, pull it into their bodies, through a medium- either their hand or a weapon, and out in the form of a spell. Not all people can use magic, it takes a very specific trait that the person is born with to store Mana in their body. Of those who have this trait, almost none of them are capable of tapping into it naturally and controlling the outcome, so those who can use magic are often times encouraged to not use it until they can find a master to teach them.

The Basics
• Spell have six main element; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Steel, and Nature.
• They have nine sub-elements; Steam, Magma, Smoke, Slag, Mud, Mist, Dust, Crystal, and Non-Elemental.
• There's also five non-physical elements; Light, Darkness, Life, Death, and Mind.
• All other elements are considered irregular elements. Examples of these would be Space, Heaven, and Hell magic.
• Magic has two factors to how strong it can be; the level of mastery, and the amount of Control a person has. It's possible to have very powerful magic, but very little control over it, resulting in a spell that's highly inaccurate. It's also possible to have extremely weak magic, but so much control it's nigh impossible to miss. Mages are encouraged to focus heavily on both aspects to make the most of their magical talent.

• For all spells, there are three (3) parts.
○ Preparation is the first step. This is where you perform a motion while thinking of the spell you wish to cast. It's the most crucial aspect of using magic or abilities, which neither can be used without this step.
○ Initiation is the next step. Feel your spell welling up inside, feel the essence of that spell and everything it resembles in your heart. When you're ready, cry to the world and let the name of your spell be known! Character Abilities and Magic Weapons can be used to negate the need to call your spell, but all methods result in a slightly weaker spell.
○ Execution is the final step when the spell is launched. Even at this point, the spell can be stopped either by negation or by the target dodging it.

Spell Level
• Spells at level one have power enough to break most glass products, but not much more. They're good for staggering opponents, or being used on utility spells or simple illusions like changing into other people.
• Buffing spells enhance by 1/4 of a stat point at the most if used in stats at level 1.
• Buffing spells used to enhance non-stats can enhance by 10% at level 1, unless stated otherwise.
• Naturally as the level increases, the spells can do more; +1/4 of a stat point for stats, +2.5% for non-stat buffs per level above 1, unless stated otherwise.
• Spells can be enhanced more, IF there is a significant enough drawback to the spell.

Put simply, the effectiveness of your spells are directly related to the amount of stars in your "Control" stat. Healing spells with One Star in Control are able to heal non-lethal flesh wounds like first-degree burns, and minor cuts. The same kind of spells with Ten Stars in Control can reform an entire limb. A fireball with One Star could maybe be used to start a camp fire, or distract an enemy; but, the same fireball with Ten Stars in Control could potentially blast a hole through a mountain. Naturally, the capabilities of the spell is limited by the level of it since some actions are harder to accomplish than others no matter how good at magic you are. As mentioned before, having high Control allows you to make your spells more accurate. With Rank 1 Control, your Accuracy is roughly 50%. With Rank 10 Control, it's 65% accurate. Control also gives you more Magic Power to work with, on top of the MP you gain from your Magic Proficiency level.

• Abilities follow much the same guidelines as Magic, just with a slight twist.
• Abilities cost no Mana to cast.
• Abilities have limited uses instead of cooldowns.
• Abilities must have a fixed number of uses per thread before they start costing MP to use.

Leveling Up
• Leveling Up your Magic increases the amount of Spell Slots you have.
• Doing this requires Development Points.
• The level of a spell is equal to the level of your Magic, unless specified in the spell itself that it's lower.

LevelDP CostSpells

Magic Power
• Magic power is calculated based off of three factors
○ Character Level gives the base amount of MP a person has.
○ Each level of Magic Proficiency increases the amount of MP they have a bit further.
○ Each rank of Control increases their MP even more.
• To find the total amount of MP you have in total, take your Characters' Level.
○ Next, find the modifier for your Magic Level in the chart below and add it to your base amount.
○ Lastly, find the modifier for your Control Modifier and add that.
○ As an example: Level 2 character, Level 5 magic, 1 Control = 8,250MP

Magic LevelBase Magic Power
On Characters
Magic Level
Control Modifer

Mana Usage
Your magic level dictates the amount of spells you have, as well as how high the strongest spell you have can be. The higher level the spell, the more mana it will cost. Mana cost also increases with the amount of effects on a spell, as well as if the spell's one effect is particularly powerful. Your Control stat will reduce the cost of spells slightly, and other effects can reduce it further to a maximum of -50%.

ControlCost ReductionSpell LevelMana Cost

Low Mana
Mana is a very essential resource, even for melee fighters who don't rely on it as much. Mana is energy, stored within your body, that you can project into the world and affect it. Mana can make a normal sword hit harder and slice clean through armor. It can make a gust of wind a raging typhoon, or an arrow a ballista bolt. When your body is low on Mana, you will feel a very real effect that's slightly different depending on your class.

Class15% Mana
Wraith• Minor Fatigue
• Difficulty focusing
• Extreme fatigue
• Blurred vision
• Vertigo
• -4 Strength
• -4 Perception
• -4 Speed
• -4 Agility
• -4 Reaction
Banshee• Minor Fatigue• Extreme Fatigue
• -4 Strength
• -2 Perception
• -2 Speed
• -2 Agility
• -3 Reaction
Cerberus• Minor Fatigue• Extreme Fatigue
• -2 Strength
• -2 Perception
• -4 Speed
• -4 Agility
• -4 Reaction
Game Master
Game Master

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Chosen God:: The Unknown God
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III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects Empty Re: III. Combat, Magic, Banned, & Restricted Effects

Post by Game Master Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:18 pm

Banned Effect
Time Magic is impossible to balance. You have the ability to control time itself, freeze it, reverse it, move yourself forward and get futuristic weapons, or go back in time and kill your opponent before they're even born.
Invincibility is impossible to balance. You become 100% immune to everything and anything, which even if done for 1 post, can be used to unleash hell and cannot be avoided.
Immortality is an ability reserved for the divines. It means you can never be killed... Not even God/Goddess rank characters can have it.
1-Hit Kill (OHK/OTK) spells are a given to be banned. You can have spells that hurt like hell, or bring your opponent to near-death (within reason), but not a full on OHK.
Immunity makes you 100% uneffected by 1 or more thing(s). This is also an issue, so it is banned.
Permanent Debuffs reduce your opponent(s)'s stats for the entire thread, from start to finish, for little to no MP. Which is unfair, unless your opponent has gone through the effort to read all of your combat stuff and make a counter for it (which is frowned upon).
Influence gain increasing effects are banned. Influence is the most powerful, and easiest to earn, currency on site.
Achievement altering effects are things that change the perks gained through the achievement system. They are banned, period.

Restricted Effect
Permanent Buffs are restricted to Natural Ability, Natural Passive, and Character Abilities.
Crafting Word Count Reduction effects are restricted to Natural Ability, Natural Passive, and Character Abilities. They may only affect one (1) artisan skill each and be at full power. If it affects 2 Artisan Skills, the power is reduced to half of the listed value. This begins at 30% at level 1, and increase by 30% per level, capping at 30%. The maximum any 1 Artisan Skill can have its cost reduced is 30%, except for Arcanist, which can go to 50%.
Equipment Proficiency, Character Ability, Artisan Skill, & Pet Level Up DP Reduction effects are restricted to Natural Ability, Natural Passive, Natural Power, and Character Abilities; and begin at 16% at level 1, and increase by 1% to cap at 25% reduction at level 10. For Artisan Skills, you may have the buff be applied to all skills and not 1 specific skill (unlike the WC reductions). All level up DP reductions cap at a total of 25%.
Mana Cost Reduction begins at 2.5% at level 1, and increase by 2.5% per level, capping at 25% and can be a maximum of 50% in total. These may be on any kind of equipment, and are not restricted to a specific slot, or class.
Damage Reduction can be a maximum of 25%, in PvP. While HP isn't a thing on site, there are instances (in PvP) where certain people will try for 100% DR and god-mode the thread (which ends badly for them when staff gets involved). If you want 100% DR for non-PvP, go for it.
Accuracy buffs cap at 90% in PvP. This means that IN PVP, your character is VERY accurate, but no hit is guaranteed. There is no cap in PvE.
Character Altering effects that directly alter another person, but not in a combat-heavy manner. An example would be something that reduces the five senses, or causes infatuation. These effects are always made less effective by stats, and are dealt with on a case-by-case scenario.
Level Increasing effects, like ones that passively increase spell levels, are capped at +2 levels to whatever it increases, and capped at +1 level per effect. These are not restricted to Natura Ability/Natural Passive or Character Abilities.
BUFF SCALING: Artisan Skills If an artisan skill is higher in level than the buff affecting it, the buff is reduced by 10% of the base amount per level. If the artisan skill is lower in level than the buff affecting it, the buff remains the same.
Game Master
Game Master

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Chosen God:: The Unknown God
Guild:: Tartaros

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